Tag Archives: religions
A Teacher’s Guide to Religion in the Public Schools
This teacher's guide argues that it is constitutional to teach aboutreligion in public schools and it is a subject that should be includedin the curriculum. It is emphasized that teaching about religion needsto be fair and objective, and students should … Continue reading
Gallup Coexist Index 2009
The Gallup Coexist Index 2009: A Global Study of Interfaith Relations report offers an in-depth analysis of perceptions and attitudes about various religions, with a special focus on Islam in France, Germany and the UK. It also includes interesting data … Continue reading
Dimension des religions et des convictions non religieuses dans léducation interculturelle Recommandation CM/Rec(2008)12 et exposé des motifs (2009)
Elle a été adoptée par le Comite des Ministres du Conseil de l’Europe le 10 décembre 2008, faisant aboutir le projet réalisé par le Comité directeur de l’éducation sur le nouveau défi interculturel de l’éducation: diversité religieuse et dialogue en … Continue reading
ABCs of Religion in Schools
This activity encourages teachers to teach students about world religions as an integrated part of academic life. The activity stresses maintaining neutrality, keeping the class academic, teaching about the faiths behind certain holidays, and focusing on respect inquiry.
Universal Declaration of Human Responsibilities
“The following draft of human responsibilities seeks to bring freedom and responsibility into balance and to promote a move from the freedom of indifference to the freedom of involvement. If one person or government seeks to maximize freedom but does … Continue reading
Religion and Belief Systems in Asia
This website has a detailed lesson plan to teach about the different religions and belief systems in Asia. The website also includes links to worksheets students can use during this lesson. The worksheets include a blank map of Asia and … Continue reading
Toledo guiding principles on teaching about religions and beliefs in public schools
The Guiding Principles offer practical guidance for preparing curricula for teaching about religions and beliefs, preferred procedures for assuring fairness in the development of curricula, and standards for how they could be implemented. They highlight procedures and practices concerning the … Continue reading
National Policy on Religion and Education: South Africa
The policy covers the different aspects of Religious Education, Religious Instruction and Religious Observances, and is applicable in all South African public schools. The policy specifies the contents of Religion Education, which is the curricular program for religious education. It … Continue reading
Religious Education World Religions: A Curriculum Guide
“This religious education curriculum acknowledges and supports the notion that young people have a spiritual dimension and grow spiritually as well as physically, emotionally, psychologically and intellectually. This religious education curriculum acknowledges that the essence of all inter-faith dialogue is … Continue reading
Grade 3 Religious Education Interim Curriculum Guide
“The Newfoundland and Labrador religious education curriculum is shaped by a vision of enabling and encouraging students to grow religiously, spiritually and morally into informed, caring and contributing members of society, who appreciate their own beliefs and values, and the … Continue reading