National Archive

A New Settlement: Religion and Belief in UK Schools

A New Settlement: Religion and Belief in UK Schools

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This sets out the statutory syllabus (religious education guidelines) for the City of Birmingham, UK. It is complemented by schemes of work and lesson plans embodying teaching resources, films, interactive resources etc.

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Teaching for Change

Teaching for Change is a resource for teachers and parents to make use of in the education of children and youth to build a more equitable, multicultural society, and for the children to become active global citizens. The section ‘Early Childhood … Continue reading

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What’s the Place of Faith in Schools debate

A debate on the place of faith in UK schools between Professor Robert Jackson, Professor James Conroy, Professor Richard Dawkins and the Rt Revd John Pritchard. The debate is available on YouTube:

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Religious education: The non-statutory national framework

This resource contains a non-statutory national framework for religious education. It sets out non-statutory guidelines for religious education in England and provides information to help those with responsibility for the provision and quality of religious education throughout the whole of … Continue reading

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Embedding ICT @ Secondary – Use of Interactive whiteboards in Religious Education

This booklet provides support and guidance for the use of interactive whiteboards in Religious Education. It is aimed at subject teachers who have recently had an interactive whiteboard installed in their classrooms and wish to get started and explore ways … Continue reading

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Study About Religions in the Social Studies Curriculum

National Council for the Social Studies along with the Religion in the Schools Committee and the Curriculum Committee provide some very detailed guidelines on the objectives of the study about religions.

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Literacy In Religious Education

This publication contains materials that aim to build a shared knowledge and understanding between English and Religious Education departments. This is designed to add value to the teaching in both areas through increased consistency and continuity. These materials also aim … Continue reading

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Principles of Good Practice for the Study of Religion in Episcopal Schools

National Association of Episcopal Schools has developed a set of Principles of Good Practice for the Study of Religion in Episcopal Schools. These Principles are intended to: support the efforts of all schools to come to a clearer understanding of … Continue reading

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Religion in the Public School Curriculum

The following questions and answers are designed to assist school boards as they make decisions about the curriculum and educators as they teach about religion in ways that are constitutionally permissible, educationally sound, and sensitive to the beliefs of students … Continue reading

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