Why are we doing this site? Participants at the UNAOC January 2008 Madrid Forum expressed the strong desire that the next UNAOC clearinghouse should be a clearinghouse on “Education about Religions and Beliefs” (ERB). Education about different religions and beliefs, and critically thinking about the nature of beliefs, enables populations to deal sensitively and tolerantly with the reality of today’s globalized multicultural world where one will encounter people who believe in many different religions, or people who may not believe in any religion at all.
This site focuses on primary and secondary education about religions and beliefs – as a starting point. Material on civic education, tolerance education, ethics education, and other forms of education aimed at enabling us to learn to live together will also be featured.
This clearinghouse is meant to be useful to policy-makers, educators, and researchers in these fields. More details on this site are available in the section on Overview of Education about Religions and Beliefs as well as the FAQ Section.
Please see Join Our Community to engage actively with this clearinghouse.