Tag Archives: public schools

ACLU Tells Public Schools It’s Monitoring School Prayer Complaints

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Religious Freedom Goes to School

The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) has initiated this campaign to strengthen religious freedom in public schools in South Carolina. The project will seek to challenge the public schools to proactively protect religious freedom amongst the students, because the schools … Continue reading

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Religious Education and Pluralism in Egypt and Tunisia

Mr Muhammad Faour has written this short text about the importance of religious education in Egypt and Tunisia. As the countries have been through drastic political changes over the last year the scholar puts particular emphasis in his article on … Continue reading

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Demand at school for ethics classes

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Bishops decry religious education cuts in Argentina province

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Religious Education

This webpage of the UK Department of Education provides numerous publications on religious education in England, which are aimed at local authorities, schools and education professionals. Most of these publications provide non-statutory guidance about the high-quality religious education in the … Continue reading

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Religion in the Public School Curriculum

The following questions and answers are designed to assist school boards as they make decisions about the curriculum and educators as they teach about religion in ways that are constitutionally permissible, educationally sound, and sensitive to the beliefs of students … Continue reading

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Education About Religion in Ontario Public Elementary Schools

This resource guide was produced by the Ontario Ministry of Education in 1994 to assist boards of education in developing programs in education about religion for public elementary school students.This document makes general rather than specific recommendations.  This document will … Continue reading

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Religion in Public Schools

One of the most controversial religion-state issues in the United States is the issue of religion in public schools because of the perceptions of the First Amendment. In this lesson, students will focus on on this issue. By doing research … Continue reading

Posted in English, Grade 6, Grade 7, Grade 8, Lesson Plans, Resources, Teaching Tools | Tagged , , , | | ', '' ); ?>

Australia: Non-Catholics a majority in Catholic schools in southern region


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