Grade 11 Archive
Poetry Encourages Self-Expression
Poetry is a way for students to explore topics they might not otherwise talk about. It’s also a powerful tool for social justice. Write about something you hate without naming the thing you hate or using the word “hate.” Write … Continue reading
Learning To Live Together
Learning to Live Together, is a resource material to nurture ethical values needed to learn to live together in plural societies.
Taking a Closer Look at Religions Around the World
This lesson is developed by Teaching Tolerance to offer a starting point for exploring religions and faiths around the world. The lesson is designed to encourage continuous and in-depth studies of the topics and includes activities and topics for the studies.
Teaching for Tolerance
The Oslo Coalition on Freedom of Religion or Belief has developed these tools that promote reflection around attitudes and tolerance. The tools are created with the purpose to prepare students to have an open mind in the dialogs that they … Continue reading
2012 Interfaith Calendar
The Huffington Post’s Religion section presents an interfaith, inclusive religious calendar, –along with photos — for nine major world religions: Baha’i, Buddhism, Christianity, Hinduism, Judaism, Islam, Paganism, Shinto and Sikhism.
Scriptural Reasoning
Scriptural Reasoning (SR) represents a text study between Christians, Muslims and Jews. It is a practice whereby members of these faiths, in small groups, study together their own and each other’s sacred scriptures. The space created by the three faiths … Continue reading
A First Amendment guide
Knowledge about religions is not only a characteristic of an educated person, but it is also absolutely necessary for understanding and living in a world of diversity. Knowledge of religious differences and the role of religion in the contemporary world … Continue reading
Agreed Syllabi for Religious Education
This publication of the Brent Council offers guidance on education about religions/religious education at the Foundation stage (ages 3-5), as well as programmes of study for Key Stages 1-4 (ages 5-16). Following National curriculum standards, they clarify the types of … Continue reading
European Holocaust Research Infrastructure
The European Holocaust Research Infrastructure has been launched recently. Twenty organizations have come together in a project financed by the European Union to open a portal to give online access to dispersed sources relating to the Holocaust all over Europe … Continue reading
Religious Education in Northern Ireland: Towards New Relationships
This article talk sabout religion and religious education in Northern Ireland. Northern Ireland's schools have traditionally been separately associated with one or other of its dominant Christian traditions, Catholic or Protestant. The vast majority of children (over 90%) attend the … Continue reading