Games Archive
The 9 Wisdom traditions game created by World Religions Project is now available. It can be played on smartphones and tablets and is a great way to learn more about our own traditions (whether it be Christianity, Judaism, Islam, Hinduism, … Continue reading
Lemons Activity
The objective of this activity developed by Interfaith Explorers is about understanding similarities, differences and valuing uniqueness. Remember to bring lemons!
Mind the Gap – UNESCO Game
You’re invited to play this new UNESCO data game, Mind the Gap. Create an avatar and take a trip around the world to learn about inequalities in education. Education is a human right. The game is available in Spanish, French … Continue reading
World Religions Association – Games
The World Religions Association creates online games to promote peace and understanding about world religions. By creating an entertaining and dynamic pathway to knowledge about the world’s spiritual traditions, the Association promotes respect for both the religions and their adherents. … Continue reading
Peace Education – Games and Education
The Bank of resources of Peace Education and Inter-cultural Education activities of the School For a Culture of Peace now has 50 activities in English. Their linguistic diversity is useful as many resources are additionally available in Spanish. The School … Continue reading
The website contains guidelines on the teaching of religious education in a multi-faith city. It is complemented by schemes of work, lesson plans and teaching resources, including films, interactive games etc.
Learning To Live Together
Learning to Live Together, is a resource material to nurture ethical values needed to learn to live together in plural societies.
Qyandary is a game developed by the Learning Games Network, a non-profit spin-off of the MIT Education Arcade and the University of Wisconsin-Madison’s Games+Learning+Society Program. The game aims to strengthen the moral compass of the children by making difficult decisions on … Continue reading
Teaching for Tolerance
The Oslo Coalition on Freedom of Religion or Belief has developed these tools that promote reflection around attitudes and tolerance. The tools are created with the purpose to prepare students to have an open mind in the dialogs that they … Continue reading