Tag Archives: religions

Dec. 4-6, Italy Conference, “Communities in Contrast: Finding the Common Ground”

The Worldwide Forum on Education and Culture will hold its 2014 CONGRESS on the theme: “Communities in Contrast: Finding the Common Ground,” to be held in Rome, Italy, 4-6 December 2014. Too often people focus on difference. It is, however, … Continue reading

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CFP Deadline: Sep.15, Conference on “Islamisation: Comparative perspectives from history,” Scotland

A conference on “Islamisation: Comparative perspectives from history,” will be held 20-21 March 2015 at the University of St Andrews, Scotland. Submissions are invited for this international conference which covers Islamisation down to c. 1800 in all areas of the … Continue reading

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Project Interfaith: Sharing Stories for Mutual Respect

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Renewed mosque, Islamic center opens in Belgrade

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Inter-religious harmony protects peace – Prime Minister

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Cordoba Initiative

The Cordoba Initiative is a multi-national, multi-faith organization dedicated to improving understanding and building trust among people of all cultures and religions. The name Cordoba was chosen to symbolize the time in history when Muslims, Jews and Christians lived together … Continue reading

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Religions of the world

In the spring of 2007 Global Nomads Group traveled around the world with Semester At Sea to talk with students about their religions. In this DVD four teenagers from four corners of the globe walk us through their lives, their … Continue reading

Posted in English, Grade 1, Grade 10, Grade 11, Grade 12, Grade 2, Grade 3, Grade 4, Grade 5, Grade 6, Grade 7, Grade 8, Grade 9, Grade K, Interactive Resources, Other Tools, Resources, Teaching Tools | Tagged , , , , , | | ', '' ); ?>

Teaching Children Religious Tolerance

This website is aimed at helping parents teach their children to be tolerant of different religions, however, educators can also use this guide to help teach a diverse class.   

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Creation Table

Creation Tables are useful ways into encouraging a sense of awe and wonder, learning about the created world and developing cross-curricular work on RE. The website provides activities for pupils and ideas for teachers to try and adapt for themselves.

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We work together – Can you?

Resource includes teaching ideas to help develop cooperation and thinking about peace and conflict on a global scale. It links working together on a small scale to large scale conflicts around the world and explores ideas about different cultures and … Continue reading

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