Grade 2 Archive
Human Rights Education in the School Systems of Europe, Central Asia and North America: A Compendium of Good Practice
This collection of 101 good practices in Human Rights Education from Europe, North America and Central Asia is a resource for practitioners and policymakers as well as a platform for exchange among institutions and individuals. Sections include Laws, guidelines and … Continue reading
ABC – Teaching Human Rights: Practical activities for primary and secondary schools
Item # 4 at this location, ABC: Teaching Human Rights aims to serve as a user-friendly tool for human rights education and a multi-coloured umbrella covering a number of basic human rights areas. It offers practical advice to teachers and … Continue reading
Recommendation CM/Rec(2008)12 of the Committee of Ministers to member states on the dimension of religions and non-religious convictions within intercultural education
The Council of Europe’s preparation of this recommendation was a protracted process, embracing a project group, working committees, expert meetings and a conference in Oslo expressing the wish for intercultural and interreligious dialogue, followed by publication of the proceedings (The … Continue reading
Recommandation CM/Rec(2008)12 du Comité des Ministres aux Etats membres sur la dimension des religions et des convictions non religieuses dans léducation interculturelle
La préparation par le Conseil de l'Europe de cette Recommandation est un long processus. Celui-ci s'est déroulé sous forme de groupe de projet, commissions de travail, réunions d'experts, conférence à Oslo exprimant la volonté d'un dialogue interculturel et interreligieux, suivi … Continue reading
Homepage of Different Religions in Hungary
The website contains homepages of different religions in Hungary. Detailed information in the area of teaching about religions and beliefs.
Reonline is a portal site which provides information for all those working and interested in Religious Education in England. The site includes a great variety of both teacher and student resources.
Classroom Diversity
This is a description of an icebreaker, especially for very young children. It also offers a way of integrating migrants into the educational system, and enabling young children to know more about their classmates and their cultures
Mixitup Activity Booklet-early grades
The Fall 2005 activity booklet contains different activities for students to learn about different topics related to tolerance, such as diversity, stereotypes, respect, and encouraging interactions with other students. The lesson plans included in this book are for various activities: … Continue reading
Booklet: Making Friends,Being Friends
The Spring 2006 activity booklet contains lesson plans that illustrate to teachers how the themes in the Mix It Up program can be incorporated into certain discussions, events, and holiday celebrations. The lesson plans in this booklet are for activities … Continue reading
Respecting Each Other
For children to understand and develop their concept of respect in practical manner.