Tag Archives: intercultural dialogue

The Centre for Cross-cultural Communication

The Centre for Cross-cultural Communication was established in 2010 by Prof Enes Eryarsoy and his friends to promote mutual understanding and intercultural activities among people of different faiths and culture. It also aims at fighting discriminations and Islamophobia. Also, it … Continue reading

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Connecting Cultures Lesson Plans

Connecting Cultures is an innovative annual event that brings young people together from around the world into the deserts of Arabia. The young people have to communicate and work as a team to overcome problems and undertake a desert journey. … Continue reading

Posted in English, Grade 10, Grade 11, Grade 12, Interactive Resources, Lesson Plans, Resources, Teaching Tools | Tagged , , , , , , | | ', '' ); ?>

Recommendation CM/Rec(2008)12 of the Committee of Ministers to member states on the dimension of religions and non-religious convictions within intercultural education

The Council of Europe’s preparation of this recommendation was a protracted process, embracing a project group, working committees, expert meetings and a conference in Oslo expressing the wish for intercultural and interreligious dialogue, followed by publication of the proceedings (The … Continue reading

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UNESCO Guidelines on Intercultural Education

“The document reflects UNESCO’s unique role as international standard setter and convenor of diverse cultural and ideological perspectives. It is hoped that it will serve as a valuable practical resource for teachers and learners, curriculum developers, policy makers and community … Continue reading

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Intercultural Dialogue on the Visualization of Local Knowledge: Films on Hereditary Singers in Ethiopia

This paper explores the constructive dialogue between an anthropologist/filmmaker and the audience on the visualization of knowledge through anthropological films. It focuses on the role of the audience in the formation and rediscovery of cultural identity with regard to local … Continue reading

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Learning to Listen: Intercultural Dialogue in Africa

This publication marks the start of a 3 year British Council project called Intercultural Dialogue in Africa. Responding to one of the major cultural relations challenges of the age, the project seeks to build understanding and trust between Muslims and … Continue reading

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Interkultura – Intercultural Center

Interkultura was founded as a non-governmental and interdisciplinary association by a group of scientists and interculturalistes in Zagreb in 1995. It aims to promote intercultural education and communications. Its approach to multiculturalism relies on documents of UNESCO, Council of Europe … Continue reading

Posted in East Europe, English, NGO, Organizations, Other Language | Tagged , , | | ', '' ); ?>

Anna Lindh Foundation (ALF)

The ALF facilitates and supports the action of civil society of the Euro-Mediterranean Region in priority fields which affects the capacity for individuals and groups to share values and live together. Aware of the necessity of a scientific and social … Continue reading

Posted in English, Institution, North Africa, Organizations | Tagged , , , | | ', '' ); ?>

Association for Development of Arab-Bulgarian Initiatives and Collaboration (ARABIS)

ARABIS is an independent, non-governmental, non-party, non-religious and non-profit organization. Its main objectives and tasks are: – increasing the mutual awareness and extension of the bilateral contacts between the Bulgarian and Arabic societies – developing techniques and good practices for … Continue reading

Posted in East Europe, English, NGO, Organizations, Other Language | Tagged , , , | | ', '' ); ?>


The Arabic word "qantara" means "bridge". The Internet portal Qantara.de represents the concerted effort of the Bundeszentrale für politische Bildung (Federal Center for Political Education), Deutsche Welle, the Goethe Institut and the Institut für Auslandsbeziehungen (Institute for Foreign Cultural Relations) … Continue reading

Posted in Arabic, Association, English, German, Organizations, Other Language, West Europe | Tagged , , , , | | ', '' ); ?>