Other Language Archive
The Centre for Cross-cultural Communication
The Centre for Cross-cultural Communication was established in 2010 by Prof Enes Eryarsoy and his friends to promote mutual understanding and intercultural activities among people of different faiths and culture. It also aims at fighting discriminations and Islamophobia. Also, it … Continue reading
Oct. 5-7 Symposium, “Madrasah Tradition and Madrasahs in the Process of Modernization,” Turkey
International Symposium, Madrasah Tradition and Madrasahs in the Process of Modernization, Turkey, to be held 5 – 7 October 2012, MUÞ / TURKEY ORGANIZER Muþ Alparslan University Faculty of Theology Santral No 0436 213 00 13 Fax 0436 212 0853 … Continue reading
The Abraham Fund
The Abraham Fund Initiatives has been working since 1989 to promote coexistence and equality among Israel’s Jewish and Arab citizens. Named for the common ancestor of both Jews and Arabs, The Abraham Fund advances a cohesive, secure and just Israeli … Continue reading
Strangers — Short Film
This is a short movie depicting the challenges of prejudice, racism, and commonalities. Set in a train, an Arab and Jew are wary of each other initially. When skinheads come on to the train, they initially target the Muslim who is reading … Continue reading
Religionsunterricht in der Schule: Pro Reli oder Pro Ethik?
Berlin Abstimmung: Soll der Religionsunterricht wie bisher als freiwilliger Zusatz zum verbindlichen Ethikunterricht angeboten werden oder soll er als Wahlpflichtfach eingeführt werden, so dass sich die Berliner SchülerInnen zwischen Ethik- und Religionsunterricht entscheiden müssen?
Malta: Sillabu tar-Reliġjon għal Klassijiet I, II, III
This PDF file is the Maltese Syllabi for teaching religion in Junior Lyceum and Secondary Schools. The PDF file is written in Maltese
ISLAM Rel.LehrerInnen
This site is not exclusively dedicated to teaching solely about Islam, since it has sections targeting other fundamentals of Austrian education such as language, but a large portion of the site includes teaching materials about Islam.
Directions to the curriculum for kindergarten and the first cycle of education in relation to the Catholic religion
This document is the instrument base for the implementation base for the implementation of teaching the Catholic religion in Italian schools, from Kindergarten and the first cycle of education
Erzbistum Vaduz Lehrplan für den Katholischen Religionsunterricht
This curriculum is solely for the teaching of the Catholic religion and indicates the target areas that should be addressed in the Catholic curriculum. Emphasis is placed on the meaning of Christian faith in everyday life.
KRL.Nett: Kildesamlingen
This Norwegian resource from Kristendom- Religions- og Livssynskunnskap is a collection of religious texts to be used in teaching religion in Norway. All texts are written in Norwegian.