Grade 7 Archive
Meaningful ceremonies
This activity was used with pupils in key stage 3, year 8. Aims: o To deepen and broaden understanding of important religious, cultural and social traditions and ceremonies. o To identify and explore how personal family traditions and ceremonies may … Continue reading
Religion and Belief Systems in Asia
This website has a detailed lesson plan to teach about the different religions and belief systems in Asia. The website also includes links to worksheets students can use during this lesson. The worksheets include a blank map of Asia and … Continue reading
Zarándok – Collection of 4 CDs of Sacred Music
“Szakály László és a Voice of Spirit. Most nem sietek (2008). Régóta vártuk már, hogy elkészüljön ez a zenei CD! Szakály Lászlóék dicsőítő zenekara már hosszú évek óta sok örömöt okozott nekünk, és szívünket valóban az Istenhez emelte. A CD … Continue reading
ISLAM Rel.LehrerInnen
This site is not exclusively dedicated to teaching solely about Islam, since it has sections targeting other fundamentals of Austrian education such as language, but a large portion of the site includes teaching materials about Islam.
National Qualifications Curriculum Support: Religious, Moral, and Philosophical Studies Morality in the Modern World: Hinduism
This packet gives an introduction to the history of Hinduism and the important texts within Hinduism. Each section in the packet discusses a certain ethical issue and how Hinduism views it, such as crime and punishment, gender stereotyping, globalization, international … Continue reading
National Qualifications Curriculum Support: Religious, Moral, and Philosophical Studies Morality in the Modern World: Humanism
“This unit provides teachers of Religious and Moral Education in Scotland the opportunity to gain an insight into Humanism and its values. This publication describes and explains the Humanist approach to some specific moral issues. The discussions of each of … Continue reading
National Qualifications Curriculum Support: Religious, Moral, and Philosophical Studies Morality in the Modern World: Judaism
“This pack provides an introduction to the application of Jewish moral principles in today’s modern world. It can be studied as part of the Morality in the Modern World units (Intermediate 2 and Higher). The five main sections of the … Continue reading
National Qualifications Curriculum Support: Religious, Moral, and Philosophical Studies Morality in the Modern World: Sikhism
The materials cover Sikh morality and guiding moral principles and Sikh viewpoints on all the optional moral issues in the Morality in the Modern World Units. They are presented in the form of student information sheets and should be used … Continue reading
Singapore Islamic Education System A Conceptual Framework
This curriculum is specifically for Islamic education in Singapore. The Council wants their curriculum to uphold the Islamic values of goodness to humanity, justice, brotherhood, and the importance of contributing to the development of human civilization. This curriculum aims to … Continue reading
Religious Education The Non-Statutory National Framework: Key Stage 3
This curriculum describes the key concepts that should be addressed through religious education – beliefs/teachings/sources, practices/ways of life, expressing meaning, identity/diversity/belonging, meaning/purpose/truth, values/commitments. The curriculum also describes the range and content of materials that should be covered in religious education … Continue reading