Tag Archives: prophets
Singapore Islamic Education System A Conceptual Framework
This curriculum is specifically for Islamic education in Singapore. The Council wants their curriculum to uphold the Islamic values of goodness to humanity, justice, brotherhood, and the importance of contributing to the development of human civilization. This curriculum aims to … Continue reading
Curriculum Guidelines for Religious Education The American Carpatho-Russian Orthodox Diocese of the U.S.A.
These guidelines advise how to teach about the Orthodox Christian Faith. Emphasis is placed upon demonstrating the connection of this religion to people’s lives and not just teaching the facts and history about the religion.
National Qualifications Curriculum Support: Religious, Moral, and Philosophical Studies Morality in the Modern World: Sikhism
The materials cover Sikh morality and guiding moral principles and Sikh viewpoints on all the optional moral issues in the Morality in the Modern World Units. They are presented in the form of student information sheets and should be used … Continue reading