Other Language Archive
Programa de Pós-graduação em Ciências da Religião da PUC Minas
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Fórum Nacional Permanente do Ensino Religioso
O Fórum Nacional Permanente de Educação Religiosa está olhando para controlar, organizar e apoiar os esforços de professores, associações e pesquisadores no campo deste componente curricular. Não possível entende-lo de forma estática, ou mesmo linear. Em um primeiro momento ocupou-se … Continue reading
Seoul National University, School of Education, Department of Ethics Education
<p>본과는 1977년 서울대학교 대학원 석사과정에 [국민윤리전공]을 설치함으로써 그 역사를 시작하였습니다. 이 당시에는 사범대학에 속하지 않는 [협동과정]으로서 철학과, 정치학과, 사회학과, 경제학과, 교육학과 등 5개 학과의 공동협력으로 교과과정과 입학시험 등이 운영되었고 야간에 강의가 실시되었습니다. </p><p>Korea </p>
Center for Interethnic Dialogue and Tolerance: Amalipe
Center for Interethnic Dialog and Tolerance "Amalipe" is a Roma non-government organization that works on national and local level to promote Roma integration in Bulgaria. It was founded in 2001 It is an organization that works at both local and … Continue reading
BluWorld is a global education, networking, jobs, entrepreneurship and activism portal conected to an email account system, BluMail, for millions who will be coming online in developing countries. As the use of the Internet spreads to developing countries, individuals are … Continue reading
Grupo de Pesquisa Educação e Religião
<p>Grupo de Pesquisa Educação e Religião (GPER, Research Group of Religion and Education) was organized to broaden and deepen the understanding of teaching Religious Education in Brazil. Its target is to identify and support different forms of religious pedagogy in … Continue reading
St Mary’s Centre, St Deiniol’s Library
The St Mary's Centre based in Wales, UK supports religious education in both school contexts and church contexts. Three main areas of work covered in this field include research, curriculum development, and accredited continuing professional development. Specific details about these … Continue reading
Institute of Philosophy, Education and the Study of Religions, University of Southern Denmark, Denmark
The Institute of Philosophy, Education and the Study of Religions at the University of Southern Denmark has both an undergraduate program, and a post-graduate program, for each of the three fields of study. The institute is well-known for its research … Continue reading
Center for Religious and Cross-cultural studies, Gadjah Mada University, Indonesia
The Center for Religious and Cross-Cultural Studies at Gadjah Mada University, Indonesia was established as a center of learning and research, focusing on religious studies. The aim is to be able to benefit from each others religions and to add … Continue reading
Russian Christian Academy for Humanities, St. Petersburg, Russia
The Russian Christian Academy for the Humanities was founded in 1989 by a group of university professors and academic scholars as an independent and autonomous institution of higher learning in the humanities. Through a high level of faculty and alumni involvement the … Continue reading