Partner Archive

Religious Harmony Foundation

The Religious Harmony Foundation is a public charitable trust established under the Bombay Public Trust Act 1950, whose aim is to strive to bring religious harmony across the globe.  

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Latin American Inter-Religious Network on Peace Education – Religions for Peace

The Latin American Inter-Religious Network on Peace Education (RILEP) – Religions for Peace is an initiative of Religions for Peace Latin America and the Caribbean which gathers the representatives of the main communities of faith in the region, through the … Continue reading

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Education Support Foundation NOOSFERA

Education support foundation «NOOSFERA» was founded in 2003 and since that time has been holding socially vital educational projects on a charitable basis. The main target of the foundation is to cultivate tolerance and develop planetary conscience among children and … Continue reading

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Cátedra al-Andalus/Magreb

La Cátedra al-Andalus/Magreb surge a partir de un acuerdo de colaboración establecido entre la Facultad de Artes Liberales e la Universidad Adolfo Ibañez y el Centro Mohammed VI para el diálogo de Civilizaciones. Su interés fundamental radica en el estudio … Continue reading

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Berkley Center for Religion, Peace and World Affairs

The Berkley Center for Religion, Peace, and World Affairs at Georgetown University, created within the Office of the President in 2006, is dedicated to the interdisciplinary study of religion, ethics, and public life. Through research, teaching, and service, the Center … Continue reading

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Guerrand-Hermès Foundation for Peace

The Guerrand-Hermès Foundation for Peace is an international think-tank and research organization. The work of the foundation is underpinned by the belief that peace is a human concept and can only be achieved when people are in touch with their … Continue reading

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Global Foundation for Civilizational Harmony

Global Foundation for Civilizational Harmony (India) or GFCH (India) is an eastern initiative for conflict avoidance. The GFCH is founded on the conviction that all faiths are valid and sacred for their respective adherents who are strongly motivated by such … Continue reading

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Arigatou International, Global Network of Religions for Children

Arigatou International is dedicated to securing the well-being and rights of children and advancing the culture of peace through interreligious dialogue and cooperative action. It provides a values-based platform for implementation of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of … Continue reading

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ADYAN (Lebanese foundation for interfaith studies and spiritual solidarity)

ADYAN (Lebanese foundation for interfaith studies and spiritual solidarity), is an interfaith organization whose founding members are Christians and Muslims. The foundation doesn’t have permanent staff, but tries to reach its goals through programs realized in association with its three … Continue reading

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Canada Research Chair on Islam, Pluralism, and Globalization (CRC-IPG), University of Montreal , Canada

The Canada research Chair on Islam, Pluralism, and Globalization (CRC-IPG), at the University of Montreal aims at participating (to participate) to worldwide peace building through a research agenda focused on answering the following question: How, to what extent, and with … Continue reading

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