Latin America Archive

Latin American Inter-Religious Network on Peace Education – Religions for Peace

The Latin American Inter-Religious Network on Peace Education (RILEP) – Religions for Peace is an initiative of Religions for Peace Latin America and the Caribbean which gathers the representatives of the main communities of faith in the region, through the … Continue reading

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Agenda Global Siglo 21

Agenda Global Siglo 21 es una organización juvenil comprometida con los valores democráticos y la participación ciudadana. Desarrolla sus actividades de formación y consultoría en el ámbito de los Derechos Económicos, Sociales y Culturales y articula mediante diversos proyectos de … Continue reading

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Sociedad Mexicana para el Estudio de las Religiones (Mexican Society for the Study of Religions)

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Posted in Association, Latin America, Organizations, Spanish | | ', '' ); ?>

Associação Brasileira de História das Religiões (Brazilian Association of History of Religions)

The aim of the Brazilian Association of History of Religions (ABHR) is to bring together scholars of history, sociology, anthropology, political science and other branches of social sciences that have been conducting research on religion in Brazil. The ABHR strives … Continue reading

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Programa de Pós-graduação em Ciências da Religião da PUC Minas

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Fórum Nacional Permanente do Ensino Religioso

O Fórum Nacional Permanente de Educação Religiosa está olhando para controlar, organizar e apoiar os esforços de professores, associações e pesquisadores no campo deste componente curricular. Não possível entende-lo de forma estática, ou mesmo linear. Em um primeiro momento ocupou-se … Continue reading

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Grupo de Pesquisa Educação e Religião

<p>Grupo de Pesquisa Educação e Religião (GPER, Research Group of Religion and Education) was organized to broaden and deepen the understanding of teaching Religious Education in Brazil. Its target is to identify and support different forms of religious pedagogy in … Continue reading

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Portal de juventud para America Latina y el Caribe

The "Youth Portal for Latin America and the Caribbean is a joint initiative of UNESCO and CELAJU, with support from UNESCO Office in Kingston and the RED INFOYOUTH. They have a section called “the Latin American Network of Interfaith Youth … Continue reading

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Consejo Argentino para la Libertad Religiosa, CALIR

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Instituto de estudos da religião , Brazil

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