Global Foundation for Civilizational Harmony (India) or GFCH (India) is an eastern initiative for conflict avoidance. The GFCH is founded on the conviction that all faiths are valid and sacred for their respective adherents who are strongly motivated by such faiths. The GFCH is founded equally on the concern that different civilizations sourced in the different faiths are moving towards conflicts and clashes. It believes that a harmonious relationship between them can be achieved through a free and frank dialogue between them add to their potential and propensity to promote, and to avoid and resolve, conflicts. The GFCH trusts that such an initiative will increase their willingness to co-exist with other faiths and civilizations and help to avoid conflicts among them.
GFCH India was launched in Delhi on January 22, 2008 at a function attended and addressed by great religious and spiritual masters belonging to all faiths including His Holiness the Dalai Lama; founder of Hindu Dharma Acharya Sabha Swami Dayanand Saraswati; founder of the Art of Living Sri Sri Ravishankar; renowned yoga guru Baba Ramdev; the chief of Akal Takt Jatthedar Joginder Singh Vedanti; the founder of Dhyanapeetam Swami Paramhamsa Nithyananda; the president of Chinmaya Yuvak Kendra Swami Mitrananda; Jain Muni Sumermal; the Archbishop of Mumbai Cardinal Oswald Gracias; the chief of Dar-ul-Uloom Deoband Moulana Mohammod Ali Madani; Rabbi Ezekiel Isaac Malekar;and Swami Prajnan Mitranand of Mata Amritanandamayi Muth. The GFCH was launched by His Holiness the Dalai Lama, and former President of India Dr APJ Abdul Kalam delivered the presidential address at the function and blessed the initiative. The spiritual masters and religious scholars who attended the function are now Patrons of GFCH India.