ADYAN (Lebanese foundation for interfaith studies and spiritual solidarity), is an interfaith organization whose founding members are Christians and Muslims. The foundation doesn’t have permanent staff, but tries to reach its goals through programs realized in association with its three networks: volunteers (40 young people), friends and consultants.
Our actions, focused on networking and educational and cultural issues, is based on activities like seminars and workshops, trainings, lecturers, think-tanks, publication, developing and promoting of educational modules, and cultural activities (films, theater, interfaith tourism…).
Our national and international partners in the last two years are: The Lebanese national committee of UNESCO; United Nations Alliance of Civilizations; The Arab Group for Christian-Muslim Dialogue; Forum for Development, Culture and Dialogue; Initiatives of change; Middle-East Council of Churches; FLT-films (London) and other local NGOs. Besides the subscription fees and contributions of its members, the financial resources depend on the fundraising strategy and partnership
You can also stay updated on our latest news:
-By liking our facebook page
-By following us on twitter
-By watching our videos on YouTube.
Main Projects / Activities:
Awareness: Lectures in the different Lebanese regions and through media programs promoting dialogue and solidarity attitudes (32 events in 2008).
ALWAN: School modules for religious culture, interfaith relations and coexistence, consisting of workshops for students in secondary schools, to promote coexistence.
Lebanese spiritual solidarity day: Yearly National interfaith encounter to provide an occasion for religious leaders and people from different religions to experience together spiritual commitment for peace.
The Sustainable reconciliation process: A process of enhancing reconciliation within the Lebanese society, in different steps, including production of short movies, Lebanese Think-tank on reconciliation...
UNDERSTANDING program: an interactive and intercultural e-platform about cultures and religions, facilitating trust and mutual understanding between people.
International: participating in encounters that deal with interfaith dialogue and peace-building, such: Mosaques, youth encounter for Mediterranean solidarity (Marseille, October 2008); The Pax Christi congress on Women and Peace (Paris, March 2009); Alliance of Civilizations Forum (Istanbul, April 2009).
Contact Person (1):
Fadi Daou, President;
Contact Person (2):
Nayla Tabbara, Secretary;
Majdalani Bldg, 8th floor
Aalam Street – Badaro district
P.O.Box: 116 – 5303 Mathaf
Beirut - Lebanon.
Telephone (1):
+961 1 612500 extension : 2020
+961 1 611005