About Organizations

This section will feature links to organizations, institutions, and NGOs working in the area of teaching about religions and beliefs. Three different kinds of organizations will be featured.


1)Associations: This will include scholarly associations around the world that are working directly or indirectly in the field of education about religions and beliefs, as well as their official publications. In addition, scholarly journals which deal with the subject of teaching about religions and beliefs will also be linked in this area.

2)Institutions: In this section, we will feature institutions from around the world that are working in the area of education about religions and beliefs with a special emphasis on those that provide training and teaching to teachers and policy-makers. This will also include links to intergovernmental organizations that are working in this field and related fields.

3)Non-Governmental Organizations: In this section, we will feature non-governmental organizations from around the world working in the area of education about religions and beliefs and interfaith dialogue.

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