International Archive

Religion in the Public School Curriculum

The following questions and answers are designed to assist school boards as they make decisions about the curriculum and educators as they teach about religion in ways that are constitutionally permissible, educationally sound, and sensitive to the beliefs of students … Continue reading

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Rethinking secularism

The interview offers in-depth analysis about the study of religion today, including its relations with violence, nonviolence, peace and intercultural dialogue and citizenship education.

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Cultivating civic education

The purpose of this study was to gather information about current theories on civic education and how the theories are applied around the world. The aim was also to examine the operation of civic education programs in Palestinian schools to … Continue reading

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Teaching About Religion in Support of Civic Pluralism

The aim of this resource is to provide background information and classroom materials related to teaching about religion in public schools in support of pluralism, acknowleding that public schools are for students of all worldviews whether religious or nonreligious, and … Continue reading

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Critical Multicultural Pavilion

Multicultural Pavilion provides resources for teachers, educators, and activists to explore multicultural education; facilitates opportunities for educators to work toward self-awareness and development.It serves as a forum for educators to collaborate toward a critical, transformative approach to multicultural education.The site … Continue reading

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Hinduism for Schools

Largely text-based site with sections which are differentiated for primary and secondary students. Teachers can find glossary of the commonly used Hindu expressions, explanations of Hindu practices, beliefs and worship, as well as the links to other related resources.

Posted in English, Grade 1, Grade 10, Grade 11, Grade 12, Grade 2, Grade 3, Grade 4, Grade 5, Grade 6, Grade 7, Grade 8, Grade 9, Grade K, International, Resources | Tagged , , , | | ', '' ); ?>

Learn Together Ethical Education Curriculum

Educate Together schools teach the Learn Together Ethical Education Curriculum, rather than the religious instruction programmes taught in denominational schools. This curriculum has four strands: Moral and Spiritual: children learn about feelings and values, the development of conscience, choices and … Continue reading

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Intercultural education in the primary School

These guidelines support the Primary School Curriculum (1999) and identify the ways in which intercultural education permeates that curriculum. The aim of these guidelines is to contribute to the development of Ireland as an intercultural society based on a shared … Continue reading

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Abandoning Female Genital Cutting/Mutilation in the Afar Region of Ethiopia

The interview offers an approach to the female genital mutilation and tries to focus on several aspects related with religion and beliefs. The author considers that the justification of female mutilation based on religion (Islam) is wrong interpretation of the … Continue reading

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A Book on an Apparent Palestinian Conceptual Framework For Civic Education – Proceedings of the Workshops

This book is as a result of many centralized and local workshops conducted by Teacher Creativity Center in Jenin, Hebron, Ramallah, and Gaza City The goal of these workshops was to create a debating environment concerning the conceptual framework for … Continue reading

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