Grade 11 Archive
ESR handout on lesson plans on teaching about Abrahamic religions, accompanied by useful guides on the basics of each religion.
Diversity Activities for Middle School
This site from the Diversity Council of Minnesota ffers different activities dealing with cultural diversity including religion. Activities range from K-12.
Herramientas didacticas
Herramientas didacticas is a compilation of teaching and learning materials created by several professionals, NGO and institutions and posted by Aula Intercultural, a community web site which focuses its work on the promotion of intercultural education and mutual understanding. The materials … Continue reading
Strangers — Short Film
This is a short movie depicting the challenges of prejudice, racism, and commonalities. Set in a train, an Arab and Jew are wary of each other initially. When skinheads come on to the train, they initially target the Muslim who is reading … Continue reading
Making multicultural Australia
Making Multicultural Australia is a website which aims to assist young people of upper primary and high school age, their parents, the teachers and the wider community explore our cultural diversity. It provides information on the contributions that different cultural … Continue reading
Citizenship through… Religious Education
"Citizenship through… Religious Education" provides teachers with a springboard to great Citizenship lessons through ICT, PSHE, Geography and History at KS3, RE and English. Also available are Citizenship through work-related learning and enterprise and Citizenship through informed and responsible action.
Video of student initiative about the Parliament of the Worlds Religions
This is a video of a student initiative about the Parliament of the World’s Religions. It convenes leaders from the religious, academic, and civic spheres of society with the aim of developing a more peaceful planet. The Parliament began in … Continue reading
A Different Conversation
"A Different Conversation" documentary explores the experiences of college students on a trip to Jerusalem, evoking individual and collective narratives as to how religion is both relevant and alive today. Within the context of Jerusalem’s political tensions, the students explored … Continue reading
The European Wergeland Centre Share & Connect Database
The European Wergeland Centre (EWC) has just launched Share & Connect, a database for experts in the field of Education for Human Rights, Intercultural Understanding and Democratic Citizenship, including the dimension of religion to all of these. Share & Connect … Continue reading