Grade 1 Archive
Christianity, Religion, and Ethics Education
This Norwegian document provides an overview of how to teach the subject of Religion, Christianity, and Ethic. Even though this resource is not a syllabus with specific study materials, it does list the specific aims/goals teachers should teach students at … Continue reading
ReligiooniƵpetuse ainekava
1. ÜLDALUSED1.1. Õppeaine põhjenduso Religioon on olnud ja on kõigis ühiskondades inimeste elu ja kultuuri kujundajaid; inspiratsiooniallikas kirjandusele, kunstile ja muusikale. Ilma religioosse harituseta on maailma kultuuripärandi mõistmine oluliselt raskendatud.o Eluks pluralistlikus ühiskonnas ja maailmas, kus tuleb kokku puutuda erinevate … Continue reading
Film & Faith
“Why use film? Most young people like and regularly watch movies!• Film is popular and credible amongst children and their parents… it is also marketed directly at them even when inappropriateo Survey an average Reception class and you will be … Continue reading
Twice Upon a Time: Multi-Cultural Cinderella
The story of Cinderella is one of the most well-known fairy tales with hundreds of versions being told all over the world.With nearly every culture touting some variation of it, study and comparison of Cinderella stories is a great way … Continue reading
Islamic Studies Syllabus
The syllabus is intended to awaken in students a consciousness (Taqwa) and love of Allah and His Messenger as the foundation of their intellectual, emotional and spiritual life. It also promotes an enquiring, analytical and positive approach to the study … Continue reading