Guidelines Archive
Guidelines for Educators On Countering Intolerance and Discrimination Against Muslims Released
These Guidelines for Educators on Countering Intolerance and Discrimination Against Muslims: Addressing Islamophobia through Education has been jointly developed by the OSCE Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights, the Council of Europe and UNESCO, with input from academic experts, … Continue reading
Teaching Sensitive and Controversial Issues
This index of papers offers teachers advice and guidance on how to approach teaching sensitive and controversial topics in schools. Some of the topics covered include creating safe spaces, discussion roles, 'political correctness', media literacy and links to other useful … Continue reading
Children’s Book Study Guides: The Librarian of Basra and Alia’s Mission: Saving the Books of Iraq
This resource examines two books that offer an opportunity to open up positive discussion about the Iraq War with students. The Librarian of Basra by Jeanette Winter, and Alia's Mission: Saving the Books of Iraq by Mark Alan Stamaty, tell … Continue reading
Teaching on Controversial Issues: Guidelines for Teachers
This resource is a teacher's guide to presenting complicated and potentially controversial subjects to students. These guidelines suggest a methodology of approaching difficult subjects which teachers can incorporate into their classes.
Islam: Empire of Faith – An Introduction to Islam and Muhammad
This is the first of five lessons aimed at students in grades 6012, providing a broad overview of Islam. This lesson guide provides an outline of the topics to be covered and the procedure of carrying out these lessons.
Belieforama offers a panoramic approach to issues of religion and belief, bringing a variety of views, perspectives and sectors to the table and empowering all (including those of no belief or practice) to engage in this theme. Belieforama provides a Community … Continue reading
Religious education: The non-statutory national framework
This resource contains a non-statutory national framework for religious education. It sets out non-statutory guidelines for religious education in England and provides information to help those with responsibility for the provision and quality of religious education throughout the whole of … Continue reading
Embedding ICT @ Secondary – Use of Interactive whiteboards in Religious Education
This booklet provides support and guidance for the use of interactive whiteboards in Religious Education. It is aimed at subject teachers who have recently had an interactive whiteboard installed in their classrooms and wish to get started and explore ways … Continue reading
Study About Religions in the Social Studies Curriculum
National Council for the Social Studies along with the Religion in the Schools Committee and the Curriculum Committee provide some very detailed guidelines on the objectives of the study about religions.
Literacy In Religious Education
This publication contains materials that aim to build a shared knowledge and understanding between English and Religious Education departments. This is designed to add value to the teaching in both areas through increased consistency and continuity. These materials also aim … Continue reading