Tag Archives: USA
CFA Deadline: Dec. 15, 2016 Teaching Tolerance Award for Excellence in Teaching
Today’s educators must do more than simply teach the “three R’s”; they must prepare students to live in an increasingly diverse society. Excellent anti-bias educators do this by teaching the knowledge and skills necessary to thrive in diverse settings, achieve … Continue reading
Vandalism shows need for tolerance education, says Brooklyn lawmaker
Millie Brown Sees Music
Trying to Fit In
Brooke Bemowski of Robert A. Millikan High School, was selected as the first-place winner of the 2010 Diverse Minds Youth Writing Challenge in Los Angeles. In addition to the publication and distribution of her book, Brooke will receive a $5,000 … Continue reading
Angus & The Soccer Tryouts
Angus & The Soccer TryoutsWritten and Illustrated by Megan Reed La Canada High School – La Canada, California Megan Reed, a senior at La Canada High School, was selected as the first-place winner of the 2009 Diverse Minds Youth Writing … Continue reading
World Religions Grades 8 -12
These websites through PBS provides lesson plan ideas for teachers to incorporate into their classes about world religions.Topics covered in the Grades 8 to 12 activity ideas include an overall introduction to world religions, graphing data on different world religions, … Continue reading
Mixitup Activity Booklet-early grades
The Fall 2005 activity booklet contains different activities for students to learn about different topics related to tolerance, such as diversity, stereotypes, respect, and encouraging interactions with other students. The lesson plans included in this book are for various activities: … Continue reading
Booklet: Making Friends,Being Friends
The Spring 2006 activity booklet contains lesson plans that illustrate to teachers how the themes in the Mix It Up program can be incorporated into certain discussions, events, and holiday celebrations. The lesson plans in this booklet are for activities … Continue reading