Tag Archives: Gospel
Directions to the curriculum for kindergarten and the first cycle of education in relation to the Catholic religion
This document is the instrument base for the implementation base for the implementation of teaching the Catholic religion in Italian schools, from Kindergarten and the first cycle of education
Posted in Curricula, Grade 1, Grade 2, Grade 3, Grade K, Other Language, Resources
Tagged Acts of the Apostles, Bible, Catholic religion, Christians, Christmas, Church, Commandments, Easter, Father, God, Gospel, Holy Spirit, Italy, Jesus, Jews, Messiah, prayers, the Gospel
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Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Vancouver Office of Religious Education
This website provides a curriculum framework for religious education for each grade. Topics covered include Catholic holidays, good religious practices, Catholic values/principles, and the importance of the Catholic community.
Posted in Curricula, English, Grade 1, Grade 10, Grade 11, Grade 12, Grade 2, Grade 3, Grade 4, Grade 5, Grade 6, Grade 7, Grade 8, Grade 9, Grade K, National, Resources
Tagged baptism, Canada, Canadian curriculum, catechism, Catholic Church, Catholicism, Christmas, community, culture, Easter, God, Gospel, Jesus, New Testament, Old Testament, principles, Scripture, spirituality, teachings
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School religion classes probed
Posted in News
Tagged Access Ministries, Angelican Communion national conference, Australia, Children, Evangelical Fellowship, Gospel, guidelines, Jesus, National School Chaplaincy Program.http://www.theage.com.au/national/school-religion-classes-probed-20110512-1ekr9.html?from=age_sb, religion classes, Religious Education, religious programs, students, the Christian group, Victorian government schools
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