Tag Archives: Religious Education
Council of Europe Project on The New Challenge of Intercultural Education: Religious Diversity and Dialogue in Europe’
Professor Robert Jackson has been a key contributor to this Council of Europe project since it was launched in 2002. The project aims to raise the awareness of decision-makers, educators and teachers about the implications of the religious dimension of … Continue reading
Religion in Education. A contribution to dialogue or a factor of conflict in transforming European countries (REDCo)
The main aim of the Religion in Education (REDCo) project was to establish and compare the potentials and limitations of religion in the educational fields of selected European countries and regions. The project identified approaches and policies that could contribute … Continue reading
Fundamentals of Buddhism
The website provides information on Buddhist teaching and covers for example the life of Buddha, the Four Noble Truths, the Noble Eightfold Path, Karma, rebirth, dependent origination, the three universal characteristics and the five aggregates.
Materials developed by Jewish Museum Educators can be used to supplement and enhance class' ongoing studies in history, art, and literacy.
Places of worship
The website offers series of resources looking at places of worship and how their buildings may be linked to what goes on inside.
Human Rights and the 10 Commandments
The resource “provides students with an opportunity to explore the importance of modern human rights through a comparison with The Ten Commandments. Students further explore the values that underpin human rights, as well as their inherent responsibilities.”
British Journal of Religious Education
The British Journal of Religious Education (BJRE) is a highly rated international peer-reviewed journal which has a pedigree stretching back to 1934. It is listed in both the Thomson Reuter Social Science and Arts and Humanities citation indexes. BJRE aims … Continue reading
RE Today Services
RE Today Services works nationally in the UK and internationally to support Religious Education in schools. It is committed to the teaching of the major world faiths in Religious Education, and to an accurate and fair representation of their beliefs, … Continue reading
AHRC/ESRC Religion and Society Programme
The Religion and Society website provides information about 75 original research projects recently commissioned in the UK by the Arts and Humanities Research and Economic and Social Research Councils on different aspects of the relationship between religion and society. Projects … Continue reading
Religious Education in Europe
The article introduces the situation of Religious Education in Europe and debates on RE from different countries. It presents challenges and different perspectives how to compare approaches to RE.