Grade 10 Archive
Religion, Culture, and Diversity
"Background. Overview: Diversity and pluralism are hallmarks of our society. The plethora of traditions and values that share our continent are bound both to conflict with, and to enrich, one other. Each new group of immigrants challenges the mainstream to … Continue reading
Religion and Ethics Lesson Plans
RELIGION & ETHICS NEWSWEEKLY’s lesson plans introduce students to today’s most important religious and moral issues. Using selected stories, online video, and other resources from the R&E Web site, these lessons address a broad range of current events from bioethics … Continue reading
Zarándok – Collection of 4 CDs of Sacred Music
“Szakály László és a Voice of Spirit. Most nem sietek (2008). Régóta vártuk már, hogy elkészüljön ez a zenei CD! Szakály Lászlóék dicsőítő zenekara már hosszú évek óta sok örömöt okozott nekünk, és szívünket valóban az Istenhez emelte. A CD … Continue reading
ISLAM Rel.LehrerInnen
This site is not exclusively dedicated to teaching solely about Islam, since it has sections targeting other fundamentals of Austrian education such as language, but a large portion of the site includes teaching materials about Islam.
The Story of India
The Story of India offers educational resources for teachers wanting to use the DVD (that can be bought through the website) and the rich content on this web site in their classrooms. The lessons have been designed for high school … Continue reading
Im Human, Too
This activity asks students to identify certain beliefs about “their group” that are offensive and then provide positive ways to handle encounters with such remarks. First, students need to identity what group they each belong to.
Thutong Curriculum Learning Space: Religion Studies
This website contains materials and tools teachers can use to createa a syllabus to teach about world religions. Documents on the site’s homepage include sample exam questions and answers for Grade 12 to test students’ knowledge of Buddhism, Judaism, African … Continue reading
Enseignement Biblique et Interreligieux Romand
’Enbiro – biblical teaching and interrelgious Romand – is a publishing private non-profit. Specialized in the teaching of history and knowledge of religions, it has the primary mission of producing materials for the cantons fo Vaud, Freiburg, Valais, Jurg, and … Continue reading