Other Language Archive
Artemisszió Foundation
The Artemisszió Foundation has been operating since 1998 as a non-profit organization of public interest, aiming to achieve its objectives through the research, promotion and use of the theory and practice of intercultural communication. Its goals are to encourage continuous … Continue reading
The Intercultural Communication and Leadership School (ICLS)
Intercultural communication and leadership are the joint initiative and leading partnerships of people from different cultures, religions or ethnicity, to serve people living side by side to be able to live together, interact and function as a peaceful and prosperous … Continue reading
Educacion Sin Fronteras
Educacion Sin Fronteras (Education without borders) is a Spanish NGO which works on promoting intercultural education and respect for diversity around the world with partners in 40 countries, especially in Latin America. The EDS educator’s team develops education projects and … Continue reading
Catedra UNESCO de Filosofia para la Paz
The UNESCO Chair of Philosophy for Peace, based in Castellon (Spain), was created in October of 1999, through an agreement between the UNESCO Chair, the Bancaja-Caja Castellón Foundation and the Universitat Jaume I of Castellón (UJI). The institution is currently … Continue reading
IREX is an international nonprofit organization providing leadership and innovative programs to improve the quality of education, strengthen independent media, and foster pluralistic civil society development. Founded in 1968, IREX has an annual portfolio of over $60 million and a … Continue reading
Rabbis for Human Rights
Rabbis for Human Rights (RHR) was established with the purpose of giving voice to the Zionist ideal and the Jewish religious tradition of human rights. Since its inception in 1988, RHR has championed the cause of the poor in Israel, … Continue reading
Interculture Map
"Interculture" has become an umbrella-term used to define a vast range of initiatives, all differing in their motivations, intentions and results. There is now an established rhetoric of interculture, which is used in many projects that define themselves as intercultural, … Continue reading
Nelson Mandela Institute for Education and Rural Development
The role of the Nelson Mandela Institute (NMI) is to help develop a sustainable future for South Africa by investing in the countrys youth and creating viable and sustainable communities. To achieve this, the Institute aims to transform the education … Continue reading
Religious Education Council of England & Wales
The Religious Education Council of England & Wales comprises more than fifty member organisations, covering each of the main faith communities (religions and beliefs) and the main academic and professional associations concerned with religion in education. Its prime purpose is … Continue reading
St Mary’s Centre, St Deiniol’s Library
The St Mary's Centre based in Wales, UK supports religious education in both school contexts and church contexts. Three main areas of work covered in this field include research, curriculum development, and accredited continuing professional development. Specific details about these … Continue reading