Spanish Archive

Todoar es un directorio de sitios web, incluyendo tambien la tema de religión. Contiene mas de 102.000 links hacia páginas en su gran mayoría argentinas y esos links están clasificados en 794 categorías diferentes. La navegación por el directorio puede … Continue reading

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Institute of Cultural Affairs, Spain

We are a Spanish NGO: ICA Spain, working with 8 european NGOs within a project called "Belieforama" – which its main asset is the delivering, facilitating of awareness workshops on "Religious Diversity and Antidiscrimination". We are specialized in training and … Continue reading

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Agenda Global Siglo 21

Agenda Global Siglo 21 es una organización juvenil comprometida con los valores democráticos y la participación ciudadana. Desarrolla sus actividades de formación y consultoría en el ámbito de los Derechos Económicos, Sociales y Culturales y articula mediante diversos proyectos de … Continue reading

Posted in Arabic, English, Latin America, NGO, Organizations, Spanish | | ', '' ); ?>

Association for Intercultural Education (AULA)

The International Association for Intercultural Education has brought together professional educators interested in diversity and equity issues in education. This includes intercultural, multicultural, anti-racist and human rights education, conflict-resolution, multilingualism issues, etc. The IAIE brings together both academics and classroom … Continue reading

Posted in Association, English, French, Organizations, Other Language, Spanish, West Europe | Tagged | | ', '' ); ?>

Cátedra UNESCO de Educación para la Paz

La Cátedra UNESCO de Educación para la Paz es un proyecto interdisciplinario y transdisciplinario para la realización de actividades académicas a favor de la construcción de una Cultura de Paz. Las áreas prioritarias de trabajo de la Cátedra incluyen la … Continue reading

Posted in Caribbean, Institution, Organizations, Spanish | Tagged , , | | ', '' ); ?>


Entreculturas es una ONGD que defiende el acceso a la educación de los más desfavorecidos como medio de cambio social, justicia y diálogo entre culturas. Apoya proyectos que promueven la educación en las poblaciones más desfavorecidas de América Latina, África … Continue reading

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Educacion Sin Fronteras

Educacion Sin Fronteras (Education without borders) is a Spanish NGO which works on promoting intercultural education and respect for diversity around the world with partners in 40 countries, especially in Latin America. The EDS educator’s team develops education projects and … Continue reading

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Catedra UNESCO de Filosofia para la Paz

The UNESCO Chair of Philosophy for Peace, based in Castellon (Spain), was created in October of 1999, through an agreement between the UNESCO Chair, the Bancaja-Caja Castellón Foundation and the Universitat Jaume I of Castellón (UJI). The institution is currently … Continue reading

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Cibericlesia is a Spanish Christian organization which focuses its work on education about religion for intercultural and interfaith understanding. Its activities are mainly based on its web site providing education resources, teaching tools, articles, analyses and links to contact with … Continue reading

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Campaña latinoamericana por el derecho a la educación

Campana Latinoamericana por el Derecho a la Educacion is an organization based in Sao Paulo (Brazil) which is carrying on projects related with intercultural and interfaith education. The association publishes articles, analyses, guidelines and materials for educators and other actors … Continue reading

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