Tag Archives: United States
ABCs of Religion in Schools
This activity encourages teachers to teach students about world religions as an integrated part of academic life. The activity stresses maintaining neutrality, keeping the class academic, teaching about the faiths behind certain holidays, and focusing on respect inquiry.
Celebrating Connections
This activity has students look at various religious traditions and celebrations to find common understanding and differences among them. This activity will involve three classroom periods and also some homework for the students. The class will be divided into groups … Continue reading
Mixitup Activity Booklet middle & upper grades
The Fall 2005 activity booklet contains activities and lesson plans for teachers to encourage students to assess social boundaries at school, challenge their schools’ group divisions, and assess the perceptions of different people. The activity Mix It Up Survey is … Continue reading
Holiday Stereotyping Activity
This activity allows students to explore how people often stereotype one another based on one’s clothing. The class is split into two, and each group will have to answer certain questions in regards to the image of a Santa hat … Continue reading
Im Human, Too
This activity asks students to identify certain beliefs about “their group” that are offensive and then provide positive ways to handle encounters with such remarks. First, students need to identity what group they each belong to.
A SourceBook for Earth’s Community of Religions
Understanding Prejudice: Teachers Corner
This page contains links to teaching ideas, materials, and resources, including more than 35 college-level as well as Elementary and Secondary School activities and student assignments.
Understanding Prejudice: Exercises and Demonstrations
A series of interactive tools from UnderstandingPrejudice.org, to be used in teaching about prejudism.
United Religions Initiative, Kids
The United Religions Initiative, is a growing global community working to create cultures of peace, justice and healing for the Earth and all living beings. The website for kids is an interactive learning tool about world religions and has extensive … Continue reading
Mix It Up Planner: 2008 – 2009
This planner advises teachers and educators on how to organize a Mix It Up Day Lunch where students are encouraged to interact with other students from diverse backgrounds. This planner also provides teachers and educators with boundary-crossing lesson plans and … Continue reading