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Religionsunterricht in der Schule: Pro Reli oder Pro Ethik?

Berlin Abstimmung: Soll der Religionsunterricht wie bisher als freiwilliger Zusatz zum verbindlichen Ethikunterricht angeboten werden oder soll er als Wahlpflichtfach eingeführt werden, so dass sich die Berliner SchülerInnen zwischen Ethik- und Religionsunterricht entscheiden müssen?

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KS 3/4 RE – Teaching RE to Muslim Students: Studying Buddhism

“Synopsis: Find out how RE teacher approaches the study of Buddhism with a Year 8 class of mainly Muslim pupils.  Azam Ali is head of RE at Challenge College in Bradford where most pf the students are Muslim. The majority … Continue reading

Posted in Curricula, English, Grade 10, Grade 11, Grade 7, Grade 8, Grade 9, Lesson Plans, Local, National, Resources, Syllabi, Teaching Tools | | ', '' ); ?>

KS3 Attainment: Raising Aspirations

“Synopsis: A look at one secondary school’s use of aspirational targets, focusing on an English lesson and an RE lesson that utilise teaching resources from the Sport Relief 08 fundraising campaign. Schools standard adviser Val McGregor pays a visit to … Continue reading

Posted in Curricula, English, Grade 10, Grade 11, Grade 7, Grade 8, Grade 9, Lesson Plans, Local, National, Resources, Syllabi, Teaching Tools | | ', '' ); ?>