West Europe Archive

North-South Centre of the Council of Europe

The North-South Centre (NSC), officially named the European Centre for Global Interdependence and Solidarity, is a Partial Agreement of the Council of Europe. It has 22 member states: Azerbaijan, Cape-Verde, Cyprus, Finland, Germany, Greece, the Holy See, Iceland, Italy, Ireland, … Continue reading

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International Humanist and Ethical Union

Founded in Amsterdam in 1952,International Humanist and Ethical Union (IHEU) is the sole world umbrella organization, which embraces humanist, atheist, rationalist, secularist, skeptic, ethical, cultural, and similar organizations world-wide. The mission of IHEU is to build and represent the global … Continue reading

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The Change Institute

The Change Institute was commissioned by Communities and Local Government to undertake research on England's diverse Muslim communities. The result is a fourteen volume series of publications on thirteen Muslim 'communities' grouped by country of heritage. The publications provide a … Continue reading

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Centre for the Study of Jewish–Christian Relations (CJCR)

The Centre for the Study of Jewish–Christian Relations (CJCR) is an independent educational institution dedicated to teaching, research and dialogue in the encounter between Jews and Christians. Established in 1998,CJCR is one of the world's leading institutes in the study … Continue reading

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Academy of Central European Schools (ACES)

The ACES school network seeks to enhance active participation of young people and teachers in exchange processes and international cooperation. The aim is to develop a network of shared knowledge, mutual learning and innovation, offering concrete opportunities for exchange and … Continue reading

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The European Council of Religious Leaders

Founded in 2002, The European Council of Religious Leaders is one of five regional Interreligious Councils within the network called Religions for Peace. The European Council of Religious Leaders aims to bring together senior religious leaders from Europe’s historical religions: … Continue reading

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The International Council for Inter-Religious Cooperation

Established in 2009, the International Council for Inter-Religious Cooperation (ICIRC) represents an International Think Tank which works with the purpose to engage religious leaders of three Abrahamic Religions and provide them with assistance needed to fill the gap among them … Continue reading

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Entreculturas es una ONGD que defiende el acceso a la educación de los más desfavorecidos como medio de cambio social, justicia y diálogo entre culturas. Apoya proyectos que promueven la educación en las poblaciones más desfavorecidas de América Latina, África … Continue reading

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Association for Intercultural Education (AULA)

The International Association for Intercultural Education has brought together professional educators interested in diversity and equity issues in education. This includes intercultural, multicultural, anti-racist and human rights education, conflict-resolution, multilingualism issues, etc. The IAIE brings together both academics and classroom … Continue reading

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L’Association internationale pour la défense de la liberté religieuse (AIDLR)

L’Association internationale pour la défense de la liberté religieuse est une organisation non gouvernementale accréditée auprès du Comité de l’ECOSOC des Nations Unies, et dotée du statut participatif au Conseil de l’Europe. Elle a pour but de répandre les idées … Continue reading

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