Tag Archives: United Kingdom
Faith and Belief
The Channel 4 Faith and Belief site contains information about the different religions and their festivals. It also includes a map over the spread of religion across the globe. It explains the history of the many religions, as well as … Continue reading
World Religions and Beliefs,
From this webpage, by Diversiton you can easily learn more about religion, the history, holy days and practices. The site seeks to take an inclusive approach by reflecting as many traditions, philosophies and beliefs as practical. It also includes an … Continue reading
TAG Learning, empowering learning through ICT
With learning software covering a wide range of curriculum areas, including religious education. TAG is a leading publisher and supplier of best-of breed creative educational software tools, peripherals, training and support materials for schools in the UK and the developer … Continue reading
TrueTube is an interactive website that makes use of the powerful medium of the web, and advances in streaming video technology encompassing various themes. TrueTube encourages students, teachers and other interested parties to post thoughts and send films on a … Continue reading
Meaningful ceremonies
This activity was used with pupils in key stage 3, year 8. Aims: o To deepen and broaden understanding of important religious, cultural and social traditions and ceremonies. o To identify and explore how personal family traditions and ceremonies may … Continue reading
‘God is in everything’
This policy includes learning about the religious belief, practices and values of the Christian faith, but also takes account of the teaching and practices of other principal religions practiced in Britain and around the world. This activity was part of … Continue reading
Interfaith internet pals
This activity was part of a religious education project to establish a network of 'e-pals' between two schools in the same city: one with a largely Muslim intake and the other with a Roman Catholic tradition.
Exploring ultimate question
Staff at William Farr had been seeking for an inspirational way to introduce philosophy and religious ethics in RE. The key concept of meaning, purpose and truth in the revised programme of study provided timely inspiration. ‘We wanted to develop … Continue reading
Religious Education The Non-Statutory National Framework
“ This booklet contains a non-statutory national framework for religious education. It: ■ sets out non-statutory guidelines for religious education in England ■ provides information to help those with responsibility for the provision andquality of religious education throughout the whole … Continue reading
Religious Education The Non-Statutory National Framework: Key Stage 3
This curriculum describes the key concepts that should be addressed through religious education – beliefs/teachings/sources, practices/ways of life, expressing meaning, identity/diversity/belonging, meaning/purpose/truth, values/commitments. The curriculum also describes the range and content of materials that should be covered in religious education … Continue reading