Tag Archives: research
Sep. 23-25, World Congress on Islamic Systems 2014, Malaysia
The 3rd series of World Islamic Congress; World Congress on Islamic Systems 2014 (WCIS 2014), will be held in Bangi Malaysi 23-25 September in view of the importance of establishing platforms at the global level for scholars, experts, researchers and … Continue reading
CFP Deadline: June 1, World Congress on Islamic Systems 2014, Malaysia
The 3rd series of World Islamic Congress; World Congress on Islamic Systems 2014 (WCIS 2014), will be held in Bangi Malaysi 23-25 September in view of the importance of establishing platforms at the global level for scholars, experts, researchers and … Continue reading
CFA Deadline: Sep. 30, EHRI Fellowships in Holocaust Studies 2013, Europe and Israel
EHRI (European Holocaust Research Infrastructure) invites applications for its fellowship programme for 2014. The EHRI fellowships are intended to support and stimulate Holocaust research by facilitating international access to key archives and collections related to the Holocaust. The fellowships intend … Continue reading
July 29-31, Conference on The Future of Holocaust Studies, UK
This major international conference is organised in conjunction with Holocaust Studies: A Journal of Culture and History, the Universities of Southampton, Winchester, Edinburgh, Chester and London (the Institute of Education’s Centre for Holocaust Education), the Holocaust Educational Trust and the … Continue reading
May 15-16, Conference on “Contemporary religion in historical perspective,” UK
What is the relevance of research on historical and contemporary religion for today? How might such research inform current debates on religion, and the practice and selfunderstanding of religious groups and practitioners? What might historical perspective bring to research on … Continue reading
CFP Deadline: March 15, Conference on Contemporary religion in historical perspective: engaging outside academia, UK
What is the relevance of research on historical and contemporary religion for today? How might such research inform current debates on religion, and the practice and selfunderstanding of religious groups and practitioners? What might historical perspective bring to research on … Continue reading
Gambia to Get Islamic Institute for Girls Education
European Holocaust Research Infrastructure
The European Holocaust Research Infrastructure has been launched recently. Twenty organizations have come together in a project financed by the European Union to open a portal to give online access to dispersed sources relating to the Holocaust all over Europe … Continue reading
Religion in Global Voice
Global Voices offers a section about religion. Global Voices is a community of more than 300 bloggers and translators around the world who work together to bring you reports from blogs and citizen media everywhere, with emphasis on voices that are not … Continue reading
Women, Religion, and Peace: Experience, Perspectives, and Policy Implications
This website offers an exploration about women religion and education by the US Institute of Peace (USIP), the Berkley Center for Religion, Peace, and World Affairs, and the World Faiths Development Dialogue (WFDD). The site offers as well several interviews with experts about religion … Continue reading