Tag Archives: blog

Ramadan for Christians?

This blog entry is about the holy month of Ramadan and highlights some of the very interesting facts about this Muslim tradition.

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Project Interfaith Blog

The Project Interfaith Blog is an open blog for users to post entries on interfaith activities taking place in all communities including types of interfaith programs, experiences or resources that have been found helpful or downright inspirational.

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The World Faith Blog

World Faith is an interfaith social action organization, which mobilizes religiously-diverse young adults to participate in service-learning projects, engages in interfaith dialogue through action, and utilizes the media to counter religious extremism and demonstrate how religion can inform work for … Continue reading

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Religion in Global Voice

Global Voices offers a section about religion. Global Voices is a community of more than 300 bloggers and translators around the world who work together to bring you reports from blogs and citizen media everywhere, with emphasis on voices that are not … Continue reading

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