Tag Archives: pupils
Schools minister declares support for teaching humanism in RE
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Tagged adult life, Humanism, Minister of State, national framework, Nick Gibb, pupils, RE, RE syllabus, REC, Religious Education, Religious Education Council for England and Wales, schools minister, Standing Advisory Councils on Religious Education, The British Humanist Association
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ISESCO calls for promoting coexistence and tolerance as postulate of active dialogue and stronger international cooperation
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Tagged coexistance, culture, dialogue, difference and diversity, education, International Conference of National Commissions, international cooperation, ISESCO, Islamic Educational Scientific and Cultural Organization, Knowledge, lasting peace, mutual aid, mutual respect, peoples and nations, positive behavior, pupils, religious acceptance, tolerance., UNESCO
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Primary school religious education needs improvement – and fast
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Tagged Allah, Caitlin Prentice, different belief systems, diverse faiths, English Baccalaureate, Ghanian Christian, God, Kenyan Christian, multi-ethnic schools, primary level RE, Primary school religious education, pupils, Somali Muslim slassmate, tolerant and mutually respectful society
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Church of England reaffirms its commitment to education
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Tagged Bishop of Oxford, Christian character, Church of England, Church schools, education system, England, English Baccalaureate, faith-based schooling, National Secular Society, pupils, Religious Education, role of education, Schools, secular groups, universal free education
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Religious education in schools is ‘a priority’ say MPs
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Tagged different cultures and religions, England, English Baccalaureate, MPs, parliamentary group, pupils, RE, Religious Education, Schools, Stephen Lloyd, teaching of religious education, UK
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Efforts to boost Islamic education as enrolment slips
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Tagged Abu Dhabi, advanced courses, Arab world, curriculum, Emiratis, international accreditation, Islamic books, Islamic education, Islamic Institute, Islamic Institutes, ministry, Ministry of Education, pupils, Religious Education, schooling, syllabus, United Arab Emirates
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Increase Credit Hours For RME – GES Urged
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Tagged Accra, Ghana, Ghana Education Service, honesty, integrity, Labone Seventh-Day Adventist Junior High School (JHS), patriotism, primary and junior high schools, pupils, Religious and Moral Education, scholars, spiritual and moral development.http://www.modernghana.com/news/344633/1/increase-credit-hours-for-rme-ges-urged.html, Valley View University
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Religious education in schools ‘under threat’
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Tagged Buddhists, Christians, classroom, ds: UK, English Baccalaureate, English education system, faith leaders, GCSE league tables, Hindus, legislation, Muslims, pupils, RE lessons, Religious Education, religious groups, Sikhs, traditional academic subjects. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/education/educationnews/8625861/Religious-education-in-schools-under-threat.html
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School’s outing curries favour
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Tagged Cleadon Park, cultures and religions, curry, diversity week studies, Forhad Ali, Hinduism. http://www.shieldsgazette.com/news/education/school_s_outing_curries_favour_1_3513130, Infants School, nan breads, Nan Indian restaurant, new business, pupils, spices, Temple Park, UK, youngsters
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RE lessons ‘dropped by a quarter of comprehensives’
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Tagged certificate, Coalition’s English Baccalaureate, comprehensives, conflict, development, English and math, ethics, government changes, law, National Association of Teachers of RE, philosophy, pupils, RE lessons, religious and cultural topics, Religious Education, Secondary Schools, social change.http://www.telegraph.co.uk/education/educationnews/8594315/RE-lessons-dropped-by-a-quarter-of-comprehensives.html, UK
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