Tag Archives: Civil and Political Rights

The Girl-Child And Education In Nigeria

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The role of religious education in the pursuit of tolerance and non-discrimination

Study prepared under the guidance of Prof. Abdelfattah Amor, Special Rapporteur of the Commission on Human Rights on the question of religious intolerance. It is written on the basis of results from a questionnaire completed by 77 states on the … Continue reading

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Juridical and Political Framework: the guidelines and orientations of the Commission on Human Rights and the General Assembly

Introductory note by Mr. Abdelfattah Amor, Special Rapporteur of the Commission on Human Rights on the question of religious intolerance for “the International Consultative Conference on School Education in relation with Freedom of Religion and Belief, Tolerance and Non-discrimination”, Madrid … Continue reading

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Racial discrimination, religious intolerance and education

A study entitled “Racial discrimination, religious intolerance and education”, prepared by Mr. Abdelfattah Amor, Special Rapporteur of the Commission on Human Rights on religious intolerance, in accordance with Commission resolution 1999/78.

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