Warwick Religions and Education Research Unit, University of Warwick, UK

Department of Archaelogy, History, Cultural Studies and Religion, University of Bergen, Norway

Institute of Philosophy, Education and the Study of Religions, University of Southern Denmark, Denmark

Center for the Study of World Religion, Dharmaram College, India

Center for Religious and Cross-cultural studies, Gadjah Mada University, Indonesia

Russian Christian Academy for Humanities, St. Petersburg, Russia

Institute for Comparative Religion in Southern Africa,Dept. of Religious Studies, University of Cape Town, South Africa

The Religion and Public Education Resource Center, CSU-Chico, United States

Sakarya University, Faculty of Theology, Dept. of Philosophy and Religious Studies, Turkey

Research Centre Vergelijkende Cultuurwetenschap, Ghent University, Belgium

Eugene T. Moore School of Education, Clemson University, USA


Council of Europe

Project Interfaith

Center for Education in Religious Culture

Canada Research Chair on Islam, Pluralism, and Globalization (CRC-IPG), University of Montreal , Canada

ADYAN (Lebanese foundation for interfaith studies and spiritual solidarity)

Arigatou International, Global Network of Religions for Children

Global Foundation for Civilizational Harmony

Guerrand-Hermès Foundation for Peace

Berkley Center for Religion, Peace and World Affairs

Cátedra al-Andalus/Magreb

Education Support Foundation NOOSFERA

Latin American Inter-Religious Network on Peace Education - Religions for Peace

Religious Harmony Foundation