Tag Archives: agriculture

Sep. 10-13 Poland Conference, “Transfers” in Baltic Sea Region between VIII-XVII centuries,

The University of Gdansk & Gdansk University of Technology in Poland are holding an international conference, “Conference Origines et mutationes circa principio Mare Balticum: Transfer of people, ideas,technologies and religion in Baltic Sea Region between VIII-XVII centuries” September 10-13, 2014. … Continue reading

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CFP Deadline: Jan 12, Poland Conference, “Transfers” in Baltic Sea Region between VIII-XVII centuries.

The University of Gdansk & Gdansk University of Technology are holding an international conference, “Conference Origines et mutationes circa principio Mare Balticum: Transfer of people, ideas,technologies and religion in Baltic Sea Region between VIII-XVII centuries” September 10-13, 2014 (tentatively). The … Continue reading

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