Tibetan religion and politics

Tibetan, Tibet, chosi zungdrel, separation of church and state, secularization, Dharamsala, Tibetan religious sects, Dalai Lama, the tulku issue, the reincarnated lamas, exiled Tibetan community in India,  Bon, Nyingma, Sakya, Kagyu or Gelug traditions, Tibetan Moslems and Christians, Buddhism, Tri Song Detsen, Pugyal Dynasty, Mongols, Gelug sect, Drepung Monastery, Sakya and Pakmotu administrations, "monk-king" (domtsun gyalpo), French socialist Minister of Culture Claude Allègre, Panchen Lama Lobzang Yeshe, Manchus, British India, tulku institution, Religious Affairs Department of the Chinese government, "Management Measures for the Reincarnation of 'Living Buddhas' in Tibetan Buddhism", Bhutan, secularism, the deity Shugden

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