Tag Archives: religious communities

Learning about true loving-kindness

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Head of Religious Affairs directorate visits Fener Greek Patriarch Bartholomew

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Noting Cyprus’ religious diversity, UN expert calls for more inter-faith dialogue

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Churches, synagogues, and mosques are developing ways to welcome and include those with special needs

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All Faiths and None (AFAN)

AFAN is a joint project between churches, faith communities, fbfe (the National Council of Faiths and Beliefs in FE), and the British Humanist Association. The target audience of AFAM is students between 16-19 in England. The aim of the AFAN … Continue reading

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Joint Religious Legislative Coalition (JRLC)

JRLC is an interfaith public interest group in Minnesota for people of diverse faiths bringing vision and wisdom to the public realm for the well-being of Minnesotans. JRLC researches and publishes Issue Papers on pressing social justice issues in Minnesota, … Continue reading

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Ministry of Education prohibits the religious symbols in schools


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