Tag Archives: dicasteries

June 16-18, Workshop, “The Pope, the Roman Curia and the World. Research tools for History and History of Law,” Germany

As in previous years, the Max-Planck-Institut für europäische Rechtsgeschichte invites doctoral students and young researchers to participate in the workshop “Studientage”. This year the focus will be on “The Pope, the Roman Curia and the World. Research tools for History … Continue reading

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CFA Deadline: April 21, Workshop “The Pope, the Roman Curia and the World,” Germany

As in previous years the Max-Planck-Institut für europäische Rechtsgeschichte invites doctoral students and young researchers to participate in the workshop “Studientage”. This year the focus will be on “The Pope, the Roman Curia and the World. Research tools for History … Continue reading

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