June 18-20 Estonia conference, Religious Innovation and Religious Change in the 21st century

The 2015 CESNUR Conference will return to the Baltics, where it will be hosted June 18-20, 2015 by the University of Tallinn, Estonia. As the 2014 CESNUR conference in Waco, Texas focused on globalization and how religious movements adapt to external and societal changes, the 2015 conference plans to discuss internal changes in the movements and religious innovation. The theme for this year’s conference is  “Religious Innovation and Religious Change in the 21st Century.” The conference is co-organized by Center for Studies on New Religions (CESNUR), International Society for the Study of New Religions (ISSNR), Estonian Institute of Humanities, Tallin University.

The conference will begin on Wednesday evening with a reception and opening session. Conference sessions will run through the day on Thursday and Friday, through Saturday morning. Saturday afternoon will be a time for a local tour, which will focus on Estonian religion.

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