The editor of the journal Contemporary Islam: Dynamics of Muslim Life invites submission of abstracts for the special issue on Ahmadiyya Muslims. Please note that the deadline for the Abstract is 10 September 2012.
Manuscripts should follow the format provided in the Contemporary Islam web site. The manuscript should be between 8000 and 10000 words (including references and notes)
Contemporary Islam (COIS), is an international peer-reviewed journal published by Springier. COIS has an acceptance rate of about 33% (applying to original research papers, so excluding book reviews and special issue papers) It has a very fast “time-to-first-decision” of 53 days on average in 2011. Thousands of academic institutions worldwide now offer access to Contemporary Islam and COIS attracts an extremely high number of academics, as evidenced by downloads of its articles in 2011 and 2012. Also according to SCImago Journal Rank ( weighted by the prestige of a journal) COIS has in 2012 a rank of 0.028 which, make it one of he most prestigious in the field.
If you wish to have more information about the journal or the special issue, please contact Editor Dr. Gabriele Marranci (g.marranci(at) or Assistant Editor, Ms Siobhan Irving (siobhan.irving(at)