CFP Deadline: August 1, AULRE Meeting, “Belief and Dialogue,” UK

The 2014 Meeting of the Association of University Lecturers in Religion & Education will take place 5-6 September 2014, University of Roehampton, London, UK.

Contested ideas around religion, education, religious education, philosophy, inter-culturalism and related areas could easily include Belief and Dialogue. AULRE conferences do not shy away from contested ideas and a conference entitled Belief in Dialogue is no exception. The opening keynote will set the pace in the form of a dialogue between Rowan Williams and Abdullah Trevathan and the rest of the conference will follow in their wake.

AULRE invites participants to submit conference papers to share their research with colleagues. Abstracts of approximately 500 words should be sent to Mike Castelli ( by 1 August 2014.

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