Dawkins: Faith schools should teach RE in line with curriculum

Atheist and scientist Richard Dawkins has called for Ofsted to force faith schools to teach religious education (RE) in line with the national curriculum, the Daily Telegraph has reported.

Speaking in an interview with the Times, Professor Dawkins claims that it is time for the regulator to stop schools forcing religious beliefs on their students. Indeed, the outspoken scientist argues that the subject should be taught in a "comparative way according to a national curriculum, not indoctrination".

The newspaper reported him as telling the Times: "Faith schools should not be allowed to opt out of religious education. Yet they are given this free pass to do religious education in their own way, which is not inspected by Ofsted."

Meanwhile, speaking to the Jewish Chronicle earlier this year, prime minister David Cameron revealed his plans to open more faith-based schools in the country. The Tory party leader highlighted the importance of the schools in the education system, claiming that they helped to keep standards high by promoting a positive ethos and culture.

Posted by Tim Pearson

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