May 23-24, Workshop: “Tolerance and faith-based education: liberalism, freedom of education and equality in Europe,” The Netherlands,

This workshop on “Tolerance and faith-based education: liberalism, freedom of education and equality in Europe,” is to be held May 23-24 in Amsterdam, The Netherlands.

Conveners: Marcel Maussen, Veit Bader, Floris Vermeulen, Michael Merry (University of Amsterdam)

This workshop draws on research carried out in the context of the ACCEPT-PLURALISM Research project, in particular Work package 3 on tolerance in education and school life. One of the research clusters in that work package dealt with the issue of religious schools. Some of the teams that were directly involved in studying the room provided for faith-based schools participate (Denmark, the Netherlands and Ireland) and other researchers have been invited to complement the picture (country studies on France, and Germany).

More information is available at the website.

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