The UN Alliance of Civilizations High Representative, President Jorge Sampaio welcomes World Interfaith Harmony Week from 1 to 7 February, 2011.
On October 20, 2011, the United Nations General Assembly unanimously established the World Interfaith Harmony Week through the adoption of a Resolution upon an initial proposal by H.M. King Abdullah II of Jordan on September 23rd 2010.
The UNGA Resolution on “World Interfaith Harmony Week” reaffirms that mutual understanding and interreligious dialogue constitute important dimensions of sustainable peace within and among societies and it proclaims the first week of February of every year the World Interfaith Harmony Week between all religions, faiths and beliefs.
Welcoming the resolution, UN High Representative for the Alliance of Civilizations President Jorge Sampaio said, “The Alliance welcomes efforts by states, civil society, and other actors to build trust and respect among diverse communities – including among religions. “ He further noted that the intent of the resolution is to be broad and inclusive, bringing together people of all religions, faiths, and beliefs.
Read President Sampaio’s message here. Also consult background information on World Interfaith Harmony Week, and some ideas for ways in which to celebrate the week. An updated list of events being held is available here.