Oct. 3-5, “Religious Freedom in Education: A Pluralism, Religion & Public Policy Symposium,” Canada

A symposium on “Religious Freedom in Education: A Pluralism, Religion & Public Policy Symposium, will be held 3–5 October 2013 at McGill University and Loyola High School in Montreal, Canada. 3.15 Oct 3–4.00 p.m

Education is one of the chief interests of families, of religious communities, and of society and the state; it is both a field of cooperation between private and public bodies and, by nature, a primary cultural and political battleground. It has long been a legal battleground as well, particularly where religious issues arise. From the famous 1940 Minersville case in the USA, for example, to the current Quebec case, Loyola v. Courchesne, the courts have been asked to adjudicate the boundaries between family, religion, and the state. The UDHR (art. 26), the Toledo Principles, and various international covenants (all inspiring the rationale for the Education about Religions and Beliefs Project) seek to provide guidance in negotiating these boundaries  The purpose of this symposium will be to explore the question of religious freedom in both public and private education.

For more details, please visit the website.

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