International Workshop on Global Trends in Law and Religion in the 21st century

A two-day workshop on Global Trends in Law and Religion in the 21st century, (18th and 19th November 2011) will be held by theUNILU Chair of Comparative Law with the support of the University of Lucerne .

The workshop proposes to deal with the dynamics that are emerging from the renewed vitality of religion in the public sphere, with specific emphasis on the challenges that it poses to the legal entity of the individual and the whole of the society to which he/she belongs. The organizers are particularly interested in papers that examine the domestic and global interconnections of religion and law.

Possible topics include:

– Comparative Legal Studies in Religion
– Law, Religion and Culture
– Religion and Law in Europe
– Bioethics, Religion and the Law
– Indigenous Religious Traditions and the Law
– Women’s Rights and Religion
– Legal Pluralism and Religion

Dr Kyriaki Topidi & Lauren Redman
School of Law
University of Lucerne
Frohburgstrasse 3
6000 Luzern
Email: kyriaki.topidi(at)

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