Faculty of colleges, universities, or seminaries (other than Calvin) as well as independent scholars are invited to apply for appointment as a Meeter Center Research Fellow for study at the H. Henry Meeter Center. This appointment carries a stipend of $2,000-$4,000 and use of the Meeter Center facilities. The appointee is expected to be in residency for a period of 6-14 weeks. Applicants should have completed their Ph.D. prior to tenure of the fellowship.
Fellowship applications should be submitted to the director of the Meeter Center no later than January 1, 2012.
This application must be supported by a two-or three-page, double-spaced proposal, specifying what particular Meeter Center resources are to be used. The application must also include a complete curriculum vitae and a letter of academic reference from a faculty member or a letter of reference from a senior scholar in the field of the applicant's interest.
If the applicant receives a fellowship, they must come to the Meeter Center between July of the year in which the fellowship was received and the following June.
For further details and to download an application form visit:
Applications should be mailed to:
H. Henry Meeter Center for Calvin Studies
Calvin College and Calvin Theological Seminary
Attention: Dr. Karin Maag
1855 Knollcrest Circle SE
Grand Rapids, MI 49546-4402